
School Photos - Second Day of School
A girl shows her teacher something on her phone
Two boys walk from the parking lot into school on the second day
The crossing guard gets ready to help students cross the street
A mom walks holding her son's hand on the second day of school
A mom and daughter smile and hug outside Erickson
School Photos
After recently concluding a successful book drive, the Tucson Police Department stopped by Erickson Elementary School on Tuesday, November 21 to donate books to students. Every single child from kinder through 5th grade was given two books, a bookmark, a sticker, and a cookie. What a way to kick off the holiday season!
Tucson Police officers pose with a few students they donated books to.
A TPD officer hands a young girl a book.
A boy gets a sticker from Tucson Police officers.
Tucson Police officers smile with a group of students and their new books.