
District News
School News
'B' School Recognition

B Rated School

Erickson has been recognized as a 'B' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
Rodeo Week
A little boy smiles and holds his fist up in the air as he sits in a saddlePreschool classroom activities during Rodeo Week included sitting in a saddle with cowboy boots on!
Navy Visit
Navy sailors talk to a 3rd grade classU.S. Navy sailors visited Erickson and had a Q&A session with our 3rd grade class.
Principal Rachel Romero smiles with her 5 grandchildren who attend EricksonRachel Romero is the proud principal at Erickson Elementary School, but she sometimes switches up her title while working on campus to Nana. Romero has five of her 11 grandchildren currently at Erickson, with three of them enrolled in the Pre-K program. She herself grew up in the Stella Mann neighborhood, so she was familiar with Erickson even before she started working there, eventually becoming the principal in 2019.